Further additions to this list were subsequently made so that in 1969, G. Lanfranco in his reviewed list considered this group of mammals to be represented by seven confirmed species and four doubtful ones. Further work by other authors has confirmed the status referred to in the list below. In addition a number of fossil forms have been excavated from the Pliestocene deposits of the Islands.
Subfamily: MURINIDAE
Genus: Rattus
status: Two species recorded from the Maltese Islands (cf. below).
Besides the main Islands - Malta, Gozo, Comino - the genus was noted on
Filfla (? washed ashore); Cominotto; and St. Paul's Is.
Rattus rattus (Linnaeus)
Linnaeus; alexandrinus Geoffroy; rufescens Gray; ?frugivorus
Black Rat, Ship Rat
maltese: Gurdien/Far iswed
status: Common along the coastline. Species recorded from Malta,
Gozo, and Comino. The species was also recorded from the two superficial
layers of Ghar Dalam Cave dated to Prehistoric and Phoenician - Modern
Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout)
maltese: Far tal-Kampanja status: Common in countryside.
Species recorded from Malta, Gozo, Comino, and Cominotto. The species was
also recorded from the uppermost superficial layer of Ghar Dalam Cave dated
to Phoenician - Modern Times.
Mus musculus (Linnaeus)
subspecies: brevirostris (Waterhouse); praetextus
maltese: Gurdien ta' l-Imramma
status: Very common. Recorded from Malta and Gozo. A mouse species
(unidentified) was noted on Comino. The species was also recorded from
the uppermost superficial layer of Ghar Dalam Cave dated to Phoenician
- Modern Times.
Apodemus sylvaticus (Linnaeus)
maltese: Gurdien tar-Raba
status: Found in open countryside. Recorded from Malta in the forn
of live specimens, and from Gozo in the form of skeletal remains in Barn
Owl pellets. The species was also recorded from the second superficial
layer of Ghar Dalam Cave dated to Prehistoric period.
Eliomys (Maltamys) gollcheri de Bruijn
status: Described from Pliestocene remains from Mnaidra Gap (Malta).
Eliomys (Maltamys) wiedincitensis Zammit Maempel & de
status: Described from late Pliestocene deposits at Wied Incita
Leithia melitensis Adams
Great Dormouse
status: Described from Pliestocene deposits at Mnaidra Gap, Tal-Gnien
fissure (Mqabba), Benghisa Gap and Wied Incita in Malta.
Leithia cartei Adams
Carte's Dormouse
status: Pliestocene remains from Mnaidra Gap material in Malta.
It has been suggested that this material may have been synonymous with
Pitymys melitensis (Bate)
status: Pliestocene remains from Ghar Dalam cave (Malta).
Pitymys pauli Bate
status: Pliestocene remains from Ghar Dalam cave (Malta).
Arthechinus algirus (Duv. & Lereb)
maltese: Qanfud
status: Common in the countryside, though number are decreasing
with decreasing habitat areas. Recorded from Malta, Gozo, and Comino. The
species was also recorded from the uppermost layer of Ghar Dalam Cave dated
to Phoenician - Modern Times.
Suncus etruscus (Savi)
Etruscan Shrew
maltese: Gurdien ta' Halqu twil
status: Apparently common in the countryside. Reported by most naturalists
as occuring in Malta and Gozo. The species was also recorded from the uppermost
layer of Ghar Dalam Cave dated to Phoenician - Modern Times.
Sorex araneus (Linnaeus)
Common Shrew
status: Only listed once as occurring in Malta, but this was a mistaken
identification. Not presently represented.
Genus: Crocidura
The status of this genus in the Maltese Islands is still controversial.
The living forms of this genus have only been recorded from Gozo (never
from Malta). Chromosomal analysis of three specimens of the genus from
Gozo showed a karyotype of 2n = 36 which differs from C. sauveolens
and C. russula, and is similar to the C. sicula (syn. C.
caudata) of Sicily and related to C. canariensis endemic on
the Canary Is. (Vogel et al, 1990). The genus was also represented in all
the layers of Ghar Dalam Cave including the early Pliestocene layers. The
Pliestocene material from Malta have been referred to the fossil species
esui Kotsakis
Crocidura suaveolens Pallas
Lesser White-toothed Shrew; Scilly Shrew
status: Species recorded from Gozo in the form of skeletal remains
in Barn Owl pellets and dead specimen. Also reported as fossil Pliestocene
remains from Ghar Dalam (Pitymys-Cervus layer).
Crocidura russula (Hermann)
Common European White-toothed Shrew
status: Species recorded from Gozo in the form of skeletal remains
in Barn Owl pellets. Also reported from the two superficial layers of Ghar
Dalam Cave dated to Prehistoric and Phoenician - Modern Times. Also reported
from Pliestocene deposits in Malta at Ghar Dalam and Tal-Gnien fissure
- C. cf. russula.
Crocidura cf. leucodon
Bicoloured White-toothed Shrew
status: Reported as fossil remains from Ghar Dalam Cave.